Ibrahim Balama as a partner to the Seba Consulting Services is a registered professional accountant (ACPA-PP) from National Board of Accountant and Auditors (NBAA) Tanzania. He has a master in Business administration (Finance) from University of Dar Es Salaam and advanced Diploma in Accountancy from Institute of Accountancy Arusha. He is an experienced professional auditor who has more than ten (10) years experience working in public and private sector. He has a solid knowledge and practical experience in accounting package (Sage Pastel Evolution, Business enterprise) and EPICA as well as knowledge on International Public Sector Accounting standards (IPSAs) and IFRS plus International Professional Practice Framework (IPPF). He has vast experience in the audit and account field acquired through attending various professional courses and performing various related assignments at institutions including Mengwe Associate, Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, ISW, RAS Kilimanjaro, SAME DC, Computer Resources Tanzania Limited, and RASHHI Microfinance Company Limited.
He has knowledge in developing policies, Mannual and guidelines including Risk Management Framework, Risk Register, Financial Regulations, Accounting Manuals, and other operational policies like Strategic Plan and Marketing strategy